S.Matt E-Marketing

Contact Details

Phone Number:
083 966 0966

Physical Address

122 Wale Street
Bo Kaap


email marketing experts

About S.Matt E-Marketing

Provide Email marketing for small, medium and large businesses who want to send their clientele updates on business

developments or promotions. This includes designing of HMTL templates according to your needs, optimising and uploading

databases, doing the send and providing reports on the campaign afterward.

This is almost a must in today's digital marketing era, and creates client relationships and brand awareness.

We do everything for you, all you have to do is advise on the design, provide the database, there are "many do it

yourself" email marketing solutions on the market but some people want a professional to get everything done so the they

can concentrate on other aspects of their business.

Do it yourself e-marketing can become cumbersome and complicated, and that's where we come in and do it for you.

S.Matt E-Marketing