Fast IT

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About Fast IT

The core requirements your business requires from your IT have been identified as the following:

A secure and dependable network that performs
Workstations that perform optimally
Reliable Internet and Email


We would like to inspect the network to identify any potential problems. From there, we can determine a strategy going forward to ensure an IT environment that is productive.
We ensure your network is up and running. Your data is confidential and we will keep it that way.

Our service provides for working IT and includes:
o IT management
o Preventative Maintenance
o Supporting Users
o Remote desktop support
o Remote server support
o Server administration
o Server maintenance
o ISP management
o Prioritised response time.
o Changes to the system from time to time (today if reported before 12:00 and before 12:00 tomorrow if reported after 12:00 today - ASAP for emergencies)

Fast IT